terça-feira, 3 de agosto de 2010

DE ANDRADE - Maranhão

Pais de Mariana Clara de São José de Assunção Parga
Avós de Miguel Ignácio Ferreira
Bisavós de Fernando Luís Ferreira
Terceiros Avós de Joaquim Vieira Ferreira
Quartos Avós de Fernando Luis Vieira Ferreira
Quintos Avós de Joaquim Vieira Ferreira Netto
Sextos Avós de José Bento Vieira Ferreira
Sétimos Avós de Anamaria Nunes Vieira Ferreira

1. ANTONIA MARIA CLARA DE ANDRADE. Nascida por volta de 1720.

Casada, por volta de 1740, com MANOEL JOSÉ DE ASSUNÇÃO PARGA. Capitão de Infantaria. Nascido por volta de 1720, em Portugal.

Foram Pais de:

1.1 Mariana Clara de São José de Assunção Parga, que segue.

1.2 Balthazar José de Assunção Parga. Fazendeiro em Itapecuru. Mercê de Carta de Sesmaria em 8 de Novembro de 1786 com terras em Itapecuru.

Raimundo was not the only one in his family to receive the emperor’s benefits: in 08.11.1786, a Letter of Sesmaria had been emitted for Balthazar José de Assumpção Parga, conceding to him and his “ascendants and descendants” lands in Itapecuru. My point here is to demonstrate that, while Valeriana and other slaves were combining their multiple forms of gender relations, weaving their network throughout different fazendas, negotiating the construction of their families and village through relations with different slaves and masters, the white Pargas were also establishing their own family. Differently than the village where privileges in accessing the land were relativized by the collective appropriation of the land as a common resource, and powers were negotiated through different forms of gender relations, the Pargas were using marriages and compadrios to concentrate the wealth and power among themselves. Through relations with the royal family and the colonial authorities, in one way or another, the white Parga family constituted itself, and did so as recipients of patentes and owners of lands and slaves in the Mearim valley

Documents about the Parga family in the Arquivo Público do Estado do Maranhão
APEM and the Land Institute of Maranhão
ITERMA were obtained through professor Cynthia Carvalho, with support and transcriptions by Maçude Cardoso Salgueiro

Casado com Desconhecida, teve pelo menos o filho Manoel João, dotado por Alexandre Ferreira da Cruz, marido de sua tia Mariana Clara de São José, Meus 6ºAvós.

2. MARIANA CLARA DE SÃO JOSÉ DE ASSUNÇÃO PARGA casada com ALEXANDRE FERREIRA DA CRUZ, Patriarcas da Família Ferreira, do Maranhão.

Anamaria Nunes

Genealogia Maranhense
John Wilson da Costa

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